Style-Vision Round Table, October, switches to Grand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat

WGSN.COM, September 14, 2005

The third groundbreaking Style-Vision Round Table, to be held in the south of France, October 13-15, is being staged at a new venue – the Grand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat.

The Round Table for executives is an information-sharing forum about the future consumer and lifestyle trends. The event is titled 'Success, Failure & Passion in a world of Mood Consumption'.

Style-Vision is a France-based company that provides future intelligence for design and marketing professionals. The company’s Round Table partner is The Financial Times. The event is also supported by WGSN.

The Round Table aims to challenge preconceptions about future consumers, encouraging more courage and less convention, more creativity and less conservatism, and more imagination and less dogma.

Participating executives are encouraged to present their views and to help shape the overall answers to questions posed at the event. There are extensive opportunities for networking with executives from a broad spread of industries. 


The Grand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat is the most luxurious hotel on the Côte d’Azur. General Manager Michel Galopin will also participate. Previously Galopin ran the prestigious Peninsula Hotel in HongKong with its celebrated Felix restaurant designed by Philippe

Galopin will represent luxury hotels and high-end travel at the RoundTable and share information with other representatives from companies including Chanel, Denison, the Victoria & Albert Museum, Alcantara, Firmenich, Pompei AD, Motorola and WGSN.


Kristine Oustrup, managing partner of Style-Vision, said: “I am delighted with the high calibre of the participants for this upcoming event. What will be discussed during these three days will set the agenda for the future of key lifestyle trends.”

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