How can you grow roots if you never eat from the soil? Mamakan, a botanical artist of nordic heritage, invites you to ponder about roots and ancestry.
Learn how to identify native edible plants from their look, touch, taste and smell. Set yourself and family up for a higher level of wellbeing by investing in your bushcraft skills and knowledge.
Part art installation, part cooking lesson, part nature walk, the Art of Foraging workshop explores new dimensions of wisdom, wonder and wellbeing.
Mornings 10-1pm (family-friendly)
Afternoons 2-5pm (adult-only group)
Venue: Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios Place, Titirangi, Auckland 0604
Fee: 129$ for Adults and 29$ for Children (6-16 yrs). Tickets include all tastings of food and drinks, printed maps and materials and a goody bag for you to take home.
Proceeds will help seed fund a Native Kitchen Garden and Cookbook.
RSVP Spaces are limited. Book now below. Questions on 027 220 9107 or