Singapore Innovation and Productivity Institute (SiPi) invites Mette Kristine Oustrup for its Board of Advisors

Singapore Innovation and Productivity Institute (SiPi), June 23, 2012

Singapore Innovation and Productivity Institute (SiPi) invites Gwendolyn Regina Tan, Calvin Soh and Mette Kristine Oustrup to strenghten its Board of Advisors.


The Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), formerly known as the Singapore Manufacturers’ Association, was first established in 1932. Its main aim is to champion the Singapore manufacturing sector. Our mission is to represent the interest of the Singapore manufacturing community and to drive its competitiveness and sustainable growth through serving industry-specific needs.


SMF is supported by 11 industry groups to serve diverse industry-specific needs, as well as 6 Centres of Excellence to offer our members a holistic approach towards improving competitiveness, upgrading skills and capitalising on new technologies. With a membership of over 3,000 corporate members ranging from MNCs to SMEs, SMF carries out a myriad of activities to enhance the competitive edge of our members.


Singapore Innovation & Productivity Institute is a knowledge enterprise that champions manufacturing excellence through innovation & productivity for Singapore’s manufacturing sector. Its key functions include providing productivity resources & customized roadmapping/ coaching support to help enterprises implement their specific productivity roadmaps. SiPi also undertakes research & benchmarking to steer industry development, and collaborates closely with the Singapore government agencies, industry experts, academia & overseas institutes to develop tools, case studies & localize best practices.

SiPi also leverages highly on SMF several centres of excellence to provide a one-stop solution for productivity & innovation.


Vision & Mission


Our Vision
To be the leading driver of innovation thinking and best practices in Singapore

Our Mission
To empower organizations with the mindset and tools to achieve the highest level of innovation and productivity

Our Motto
“Productivity brought us to today. Innovation takes us into the future”.

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