Garden of Miss Joaquim Handmade Perfume

Tahnya Butterfield-Gill, NOSHtrekker, October 14, 2018
We don't think it's too pre-emptive to say that Christmas is coming, but we have a very special item that we'd love to share with you. Wish you could smell how gorgeous this is! The 'Garden of Miss Joaquim' is a limited edition fragrance created by Mamakan for Linda Locke, great-grandniece of Agnes Joaquim, founder of Singapore's national flower.

We HAD 15 vials available (in the world) but now we're down to 13. A one of a kind fragrance, that is inspired by the childhood garden of Agnes Joaquim, and some of the prizes she won at the Singapore Flower Show from 1887 to 1895.

Ingredients: Myrrh, frankincense, lavender, roses, cucumbers, radishes, chickus, chillies, melons, chrysanthemums, brinjal, soursops, ginger roots, limes and oranges.
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