Four female founders launch online trend and design agency

Style-Vision, February 1, 2002

STYLE-VISION is a new online company doing research about future trends in Fashion, Cosmetics and Interiors set up in November 2001, Nice (South of France) by four female fonders Agnes Kubiak, Aline Contencin, Genevieve Flaven and Kristine Oustrup.


An important shift in trend research is towards a more transversal approach covering all lifestyle sectors at the same time – an approach not yet fully developed by the traditional trend agencies. 


The lifestyle companies are producing more and more collections and they want to cut the design lead-times (time from inspiration to delivery of proto types). For this technology friendly trend information becomes a necessary tool, but it does not exist in the market. 


Finally many of the clients highest priorities when buying trend information are not satisfied by the current trend suppliers.  


STYLE-VISION is the answer to this market opportunity. 


To identify new trends round the world requires a mixture of skills: an understanding of design, an ability to sort out the wheat from the chaff, and boundless research. 


STYLE-VISION is created by a French/Danish experienced team coming from leading trend agencies, leading brands in fashion/textile and from first class IT project management.  


STYLE-VISION produces trend information targeted to the worldwide market of approx. 300,000 companies in the fashion, cosmetics and interiors industries. Initial markets will be Scandinavia, France, Italy, UK, Germany and Hong Kong. 



STYLE-VISION uses a transversal approach covering trends in the lifestyle sector and use technology to help clients cutting their design lead-times. Additionally, we cover the identified needs of clients (easy understandable, work-tools, lower prices and more client support) that are not covered today. 


We predict the most important aspects regarding Lifestyle Trends 2 years ahead. The predictions are partly available on the Internet (virtual trend reports), partly tangibles (CD-roms, Colour cards) and all offered on a half yearly or yearly subscription basis. 


Products are sold both directly on the Internet and by a net of distributors using personal presentations and support. All processes are supported by strong client contact. 


The STYLE-VISION concept is truly innovative and will set completely new standards in the industry. 




The research of STYLE-VISION is focused on consumer segments from 20 years and upwards, both men and women. 


The reports are mainly directed to the creative and marketing team in companies designing, producing or buying consumer products. Also companies in media and advertising would be able to benefit from the findings and suggestions in the reports.




In relation to creating STYLE-VISION in the late summer of 2001 we did a market research asking potential clients about their views and opinions. The following 2 questions are part of that research:


1. Question: How important do you consider trend forecast information?



  •  not important 0%
  • important 42%
  • very important 58%


For the future?

  • less important 0%
  • same 33%
  • more important 67%

2. Question: What is important for you when buying trend forecast information?


Clients' major expectations towards trend agencies:

1. Clear and understandable forecasts

2. Real work tools

3. Lower price 

4. Interactive/personal contact.

Some companies from the market research: Jean Paul Gaultier (Luxury Fashion - France) Barbara Bui (Fashion - France) Madura Garments (Fashion - India) Origins – Estée Lauder Group (Cosmetics - France) Lochcarron of Scotland (Fabrics - UK) Kello (Fashion - Denmark) CERO – Brandtex (Fashion - Denmark) Esquel (Garment production - Hong Kong) Niedieck – Grimes (Fashion and Interiors Fabrics - Germany) KTC group (Garment and Interiors production- China) Safilo (Glasses - Italy) Renault (Cars - France)




STYLE-VISION is organized in 4 key Trend Reports (GLOBAL, COLORAMA, TEXTURA/GRAPHICA and FORMA) issued for Winter and Summer seasons and divided in 3 main directions: Fashion, Interiors and Cosmetics. Subscribe to access our trend reports on-line and receive associated CD-ROMS and Colour Cards at your office. If you subscribe now you will benefit from our special introduction prices. 


GLOBAL : A general forecast of the key themes of the season. This forum gives ideas and concepts later translated for colours in COLORAMA, for materials in TEXTURA/GRAPHICA, for shapes in FORMA. Global combines influences from the world of Fashion, Cosmetics and Interiors.


COLORAMA : Your guide to discover the most important colour trends. Colour cards and suggested harmonies are illustrated with pictures that translate the mood of the season. The report includes colour cards in dyed yarns for each sector: Fashion, Cosmetics and Interiors.


TEXTURA/GRAPHICA : Your guide to discover a new world of fabrics and materials. It gives you full details about surface effects, weaves, finishing treatments, prints and graphics.


FORMA : New shapes that express creativity and modernity of the season. Key shapes are explained, giving you essential details to customize your collections. Actual materials are shown giving you information to source for new interesting suppliers. 




Aline Contencin

Design Director

  • A professional in fashion design, drawings, materials and tailoring
  • Graduated from the prestigious fashion school ESMOD winning the first price in women’s garments
  • 10 years international experience in style agency Nelly Rodi and apparel in New York, Reunion, Paris and Milan.


Agnes Kubiak

Artistic Director

  • A leading role in the world of trend predictions
  • Managing director of the team of fashion and web-designers
  • 10 years extensive experience in trends agencies: Peclers, Trend Union, Nelly Rodi and fairs – Première Vision, Heimtextil, Pure
  • Graduated from Ecole Supérieure des Arts Appliqués Duperré - Paris, Fashion and Architecture.


Kristine Oustrup

Commercial director

  • An international experience in sales and marketing in textiles/fashion
  • Graduate in International Business and Marketing
  • 6 years experience at managing sales and marketing for companies such as St. Martins, Montebello and DIESEL
  • Speaks 6 languages learned from working experiences in Brazil, Hong Kong, Italy and lately France.


Genevieve Flaven

New business Development Director

  • Expertise in project management & enterprise class technology
  • Consultant for various Fortune 100 companies (Hewlett Packard, CSC Peat Marwick) 
  • Graduate of the ESSEC Business School, France.



1. We do transversal trends - it means to concentrate on the general lifestyle and THEN decline to the different sectors: fashion, cosmetics and interiors.


2. We focus on the socio context - it means to actually try and explain WHY? WHO? WHAT? which is why we don't talk about themes BUT instead consumer attitudes and behaviors.


3. The main target group for our research are 20 years and upwards - consumers that change lifestyle but in a slower manner than teenagers and kids, and are responsible for their own buying behavior.


4. The reports are min. 2 years ahead.


5. We use the internet, BUT if people prefer they can choose only to use the cd-roms and colour cards (and if seminar, the real materials to touch).  


6. The cd-roms also contain all photos in high definition format containing only images ready to work on with no restrictions.


7. All text and images are created in-house by Style-Vision and NOT from magazines or alike.


8. We focus ONLY on the trends and not on news reports, job hunts etc. that destroy the clear and clean message.


9. We are based in France, yes - but the influences of our research are global. We also work and present in both French AND English.


10. We think the client is important and when you have opinions, feedback or questions - creative or technical - we will be close to answer either on the phone, in e-mails or in person!

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